Amal K. Ali Program Director, Professor / Urban & Regional Planning ProgramHenson Science Hall (HS) 202 P410-543-6457 E@
Kimberly Allen Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program Director / NursingDevilbiss Science Hall (DH) 206 P410-677-0092 E@
Louise Anderson Associate Professor, Music Education Coordinator / MusicFulton Hall (FH) 230 P410-548-2961 E@
Philip Anderson Associate Professor / Biological SciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 230F P410-548-5788 E@
Kathleen Arban Clinical Associate Professor, USMSM Site Coordinator / Social WorkUSMSM Building 2, Room 113 P(301) 226-6000 Ext. 66018 E@
James Barry Associate Professor / Secondary and Physical EducationConway Hall (TE) 383B P410-546-4372 E@
Robert Becker Adjunct Faculty / Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution | Adjunct Faculty / Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution P E@
Stephanie Bernhard Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director / EnglishHolloway Hall (HH) 379 P E@
Gina Bloodworth Associate Professor / Geography and Geosciences | Associate Professor / Environmental StudiesHenson Science Hall (HS) 157M P410-677-0024 E@
Richard Bowler Professor, Interim Graduate Program Director / HistoryHolloway Hall (HH) 386 P410-546-6003 E@
Christina Bradley Associate Professor / Biological SciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 226 P410-543-6496 E@
Melissa Bugdal Associate Professor / English | Director / University Writing CenterAcademic Commons (AC) 260F P410-677-3154 E@
James Burton Associate Professor, Chair / Department of CommunicationFulton Hall (FH) 263 P410-677-0089 E@
Lori Carmack Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Math / MathematicsHenson Science Hall (HS) 140 P410-677-3079 E@
Jill Caviglia-Harris Professor / Economics | Professor / Environmental StudiesPerdue Hall (PH) 214 P410-548-5591 E@
Thomas Cawthern Associate Professor / Geography and GeosciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 157K P410-677-6514 E@
Hoon Cha Professor / Information Systems and Operations ManagementPerdue Hall (PH) 340 P410-677-0163 E@
Charisse Chappell Professor, Director of Department of Psychology Internship Programs / PsychologyHolloway Hall (HH) 303 P410-543-6246 E@
Chin-Hsiu Chen Associate Professor / Early and Elementary Education | Director / Eastern Shore Child Care Resource CenterConway Hall (TE) 281C P410-543-6293 E@
Anne Chillingworth-Shaffer Clinical Associate Professor, USMH Site Coordinator / Social Work P410-677-3769/240-527-2751 E@
Yoojin Choi Associate Professor / Secondary and Physical EducationConway Hall (TE) 379F P410-543-6177 E@
Colleen Clark Associate Professor, Music Technology Coordinator / Music | Co-Chair / Music, Theatre & DanceFulton Hall (FH) 200B P410-543-6383 E@
Jessica Clark Associate Provost / Academic Affairs | Associate Professor / Biological SciencesHolloway Hall (HH) 130 P410-677-3314 E@
Jeremy Corfield Associate Professor / Biological SciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 216 P410-543-6512 E@
Danielle Cumming Associate Professor, Applied Guitar Instructor / MusicFulton Hall (FH) 246 P410-677-3269 E@
Molly Dale Clinical Assistant Professor, FNP Coordinator / NursingDevilbiss Science Hall (DH) 136 P410-546-1672 E@
Jeni Davis Associate Professor, Chair / Early and Elementary EducationConway Hall (TE) 278Q P410-543-6294 E@
Mark James de Socio Professor, Graduate Director / Geography and GeosciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 157G P410-543-6461 E@
Christina Diamonte-Mock Clinical Associate Professor, Cecil Site Coordinator / Social Work P410-287-1000 x 1486 E@
Chrys Egan Professor / Department of Communication | Associate Dean / Fulton School of Liberal ArtsFulton Hall (FH) 248 P410-677-5436 E@
Christopher Elcik Assistant Professor / Geography and GeosciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 157L P410-677-3602 E@
David Emerson Associate Professor / Accounting and Legal StudiesPerdue Hall (PH) 241 P410-548-5399 E@
Jamie Emerson Professor / Economics | Associate Dean / Perdue School of BusinessPerdue Hall (PH) 359C P410-677-6578 E@
Elizabeth Emmert Chair, Professor / Biological SciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 230B P410-543-6363 E@
William Folger Professor / Music, Theatre & Dance | Director of Choral Studies / MusicFulton Hall (FH) 242 P410-543-6386 E@
James Fox Chair, Associate Professor / Director- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership / Education LeadershipConway Hall (TE) 353E P410-546-4377 E@
Vincent Genareo Associate Professor / Early and Elementary Education | Associate Dean / Seidel School of EducationConway Hall (TE) 281D P410-677-6705 E@
Randall Groth Dept. Chair, Professor, Graduate Program Co-Director - Mathematics Education (MSME) / Secondary and Physical EducationConway Hall (TE) 379H P410-677-5061 E@
Gene Hahn Professor / Information Systems and Operations ManagementPerdue Hall (PH) 335 P410-548-3315 E@
Blake Harris Assistant Professor / Theatre and Dance | Artistic Director of the Bobbi Biron Theatre Program / Theatre and DanceFulton Hall (FH) 204 P410 548 4777 E@
Linda Houser Professor, Director of School of Social Work / Social WorkConway Hall (TE) 254B P410-677-5050 E@
Joseph Howard Associate Professor, Associate Chair / PhysicsHenson Science Hall (HS) 305C P410-548-5393 E@
Randy Insley Associate Professor, Respiratory Therapy Program / Respiratory TherapyDevilbiss Science Hall (DH) 311 P410-677-0145 E@
Brenda Jorden Clinical Professor, Director of Undergraduate Field Education / Social WorkConway Hall (TE) 254L P410-677-6559 E@
Soosaipillai, I. Keethaponcalan Professor, Graduate Program Director / Conflict Analysis and Dispute ResolutionHolloway Hall (HH) 106 P410-543-6435 E@
Yun- Kyoung 'Gail' Kim Assistant Professor / Management DepartmentPerdue Hall (PH) 303 P410-677-3823 E@
Jacques Koko Professor, Chair / Conflict Analysis and Dispute ResolutionHolloway Hall (HH) 111 P410-677-0135 E@
Michael Koval Professor, Faculty Director, Business Honors Program / Accounting and Legal StudiesPerdue Hall (PH) 232 P410-677-0168 E@
Konstantine Kyriacopoulos Assistant Professor / Early and Elementary EducationConway Hall (TE) 281B P410-543-6289 E@
Emin Lelic' Associate Professor, Faculty Director, Bellavance Honors Program / HistoryHolloway Hall (HH) 381 P410-548-3834 E@
Arthur Lembo Professor, Chair / Geography and GeosciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 157H P410-677-0140 E@
Eric Liebgold Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director - Applied Biology / Biological SciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 230E P410-543-6499 E@
Creston Long Associate Professor / History | Director / Nabb Research CenterAcademic Commons (AC) 430J P410-548-2154 E@
Deneen Long-White Associate Professor / Public Health | OIFSP Project Director / Center for Healthy CommunitiesDevilbiss Science Hall (DH) 319A P410-546-6204 E@
Scott Mazzetti Professor, Program Director / Exercise Science | Program Director / Health and Human PerformanceMaggs Center (MC) 216 P410-677-0151 E@
Amber Meyer Associate Professor / Early and Elementary EducationConway Hall (TE) 278H P410-677-0264 E@
Michael Moeder Assistant Professor / Department of CommunicationFulton Hall (FH) 250 P410-677-5382 E@
Wataru Morioka Assistant Professor / Geography and GeosciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 157Q P410-543-6456 E@
Fulbert Namwamba Professor / Environmental Studies | Professor / Geography and GeosciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 157F P410-546-6217 E@
Matthew Nein Assistant Director Athletics & Campus Rec/Head Sports Performance Coach / Athletics | Adjunct Faculty / Health and Human PerformanceMaggs Center (MC) 146A P410-543-6345 E@
Brandye Nobiling Professor, Program Director of Public Health / Public HealthDevilbiss Science Hall (DH) 312D P410-677-0062 E@
Jennifer Nyland Associate Professor / Biological SciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 224 P410-677-0122 E@
Stephen Oby MSW Program Director, Assistant Professor / Social Work | ABC Project Coordinator / Center for Healthy Communities P410-543-6304 E@
Vitus Ozoke Associate Professor / Conflict Analysis and Dispute ResolutionHolloway Hall (HH) 107 P410-677-0276 E@
Minseok Park Associate Professor / Information Systems and Operations ManagementPerdue Hall (PH) 332 P410-677-5048 E@
Yuqi Peng Assistant Professor / Information Systems and Operations ManagementPerdue Hall (PH) 339 P410-546-2467 E@
Althea Pennerman Associate Professor / Early and Elementary EducationConway Hall (TE) 278J P410-548-2865 E@
Sally Perret Associate Professor / Modern Languages | Associate Director of Nationally Competitive Fellowships / Academic AffairsFulton Hall (FH) 299 P410-677-5309 E@
David Phillips Associate Professor / Secondary and Physical EducationConway Hall (TE) 379Q P410-677-0150 E@
Brian Polkinghorn Professor / Conflict Analysis and Dispute ResolutionCenter for Conflict Resolution (RC) 100 P410-219-2873 E@
Alexander Pope IV Associate Professor / Secondary and Physical EducationConway Hall (TE) 278N P410-543-6391 E@
Dana Price Professor, Associate Chair / Biological SciencesHenson Science Hall (HS) 248A P410-543-6498 E@
Jing Quan Professor, Chair / Information Systems and Operations ManagementPerdue Hall (PH) 333 P410-543-6514 E@
John Raley Associate Professor / Theatre and Dance | Co-Chair / Music, Theatre & DanceFulton Hall (FH) 201 P410-543-6235 E@
Gurupriya Ramanathan Assistant Professor / Early and Elementary EducationConway Hall (TE) 278R P410-677-5460 E@
Jennifer Schermerhorn Clinical Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Field Education / Social WorkConway Hall (TE) 254K P410-548-3563 E@
Michael Schuldt Associate Professor / Accounting and Legal StudiesPerdue Hall (PH) 233 P410-548-3534 E@
Michael Scott Dean / Henson School of Science and Technology | Interim Dean / College of Health and Human ServicesHenson Science Hall (HS) 201 P410-543-6489 E@
Diallo Sessoms Social Justice Minor Coordinator / Early and Elementary EducationConway Hall (TE) 281E P410-677-5497 E@
Ryan Shifler Associate Professor / Mathematics | Associate Dean / Henson School of Science and TechnologyHenson Science Hall (HS) 114 P410-677-6747 E@
Ron Siers Professor / Secondary and Physical Education | Assoc. Head Coach Baseball / AthleticsConway Hall (TE) 379D P410-677-5486 E@
Joshua Sokoloski Associate Professor, Faculty Director, Henson Honors Program / ChemistryHenson Science Hall (HS) 324 P410-543-6455 E@
Brian Stiegler Assistant Provost for International Education / Center for International EducationCenter for International Education (IE) 2 P410-677-5055 E@
Erin Stutelberg Associate Professor / Secondary and Physical EducationConway Hall (TE) 383D P410-546-4310 E@
Andrea Suk Assistant Professor / Secondary and Physical EducationConway Hall (TE) 379R P410-543-6393 E@
Sarah Surak Associate Professor / Political Science | Faculty / Environmental StudiesFulton Hall (FH) 280F P410-677-3879 E@
Kyle Teller Assistant Professor, Data Science Program Coordinator / MathematicsHenson Science Hall (HS) 118 P410-677-0181 E@
Beth Towle Assistant Professor / English | Associate Director / University Writing CenterAcademic Commons (AC) 260G P410-546-2883 E@
Aurelie Van de Wiele Associate Professor, Chair / Modern LanguagesFulton Hall (FH) 293A P410-677-5434 E@
Wenxiu Vince Nan Assistant Professor / Information Systems and Operations ManagementPerdue Hall (PH) 334 P410-543-6273 E@
Kristen Walton Professor / History | Director of Nationally Competitive Fellowships Office / Academic AffairsES P410-543-6502 E@
Debra Webster Professor, Director of School of Nursing / NursingDevilbiss Science Hall (DH) 237 P410-543-6407 E@
Yun Wu Associate Professor / Information Systems and Operations ManagementPerdue Hall (PH) 330 P410-548-3202 E@