maroon wave

SU Senior Wins $5,000 in ChapStick Advertising Contest

SALISBURY, MD---Nate Williams doesn’t have to worry about dry lips. At least not until 2012.

The ÃÛÌÒav senior recently won $5,000 and a year’s supply of ChapStick through an online video contest sponsored by the lip balm company.

“The money’s nice … but I was really in it for the ChapStick,” joked the communication arts major from Bear, DE.

In fact, it was not the money that enticed him to enter the contest, but what he could do with it. Williams was contemplating a study abroad trip to London through SU’s Center for International Education, but was not sure how to pay for it. Inspiration struck when a friend from the SU Gospel Choir forwarded him information about the ChapStick “Sing Your Love” contest.

The competition required participants to download a one-minute piece of instrumental music in the style of their choice—pop, rap or country—and create a video with original lyrics to fit that tune.

Williams had thought about approaching friends and family to help him finance his London trip, but felt guilty asking for money. Because the ChapStick contest winner was selected by popular vote, he decided asking for their clicks on the contest Web site would be a better way to request their support.

First, however, he had to create his video. Williams enjoyed making short, personalized rap music videos for friends’ birthdays, but had never considered doing it for a public audience. In the video, he appears as a young man who thinks he’s ready for a date—until he can’t find his ChapStick. After all, he poses, how can he kiss a girl “with lips drier than British humor?”

In the end, the ChapStick is found, and the crisis is averted.

He used sequencing techniques he learned in Dr. David Burns’ communication arts classes at SU to pace the video. Dr. Frances Kendall also supported his entry and encouraged fellow students to vote for it.

Williams used his own equipment to film and edit the video, but after receiving the prize money, decided he needed an upgrade. With the money remaining after budgeting his study abroad trip, he purchased a new video camera.

Following his anticipated graduation from SU in December 2011, he plans to work in the music business, both behind and in front of the camera. He has an offer from a family friend to help shoot music and concert videos. That same friend has opened the door to the possibility that Williams could use some of his musical training—particularly his piano skills—on stage.

His winning ChapStick entry may be viewed online at .

For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.