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SU Presents the Lecture Series 'Interrogating Inequality: Social and Environmental Sustainability in the 21st Century.'

SALISBURY, MD---Faculty from multiple disciplines present their unique takes on the implications of sociological, ecological and economic differences during the semester-long lecture series “Interrogating Inequality: Social and Environmental Sustainability in the 21st Century.”

Lectures are 7 p.m. Mondays, January 25-May 18 (excluding March 14), in Teacher Education and Technology Center Room 153. Each talk will stand on its own, with no previous attendance required. Issues will be addressed through the lens of global sustainability to consider possible solutions to the related problems of environmental degradation, local and global conflict, immigration, human and planetary health, and corporate power.

Community members interested in attending all talks and participating in written assignments may sign up for a one-credit pass/fail interdisciplinary studies course held in connection with the series: IDIS 280, section 050.

Sponsored by the Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts, admission is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-677-5020 or visit the SU website at www.salisbury.edu.