maroon wave

SU Hosts Annual Multicultural Festival Day April 28

SALISBURY, MD---ÃÛÌÒav invites students, faculty, staff and the surrounding community to explore different cultures during Multicultural Festival Day 2010: We Are the World 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, April 28.

Events take place at the Pergola, Gazebo and University Hill.

Participants begin by receiving a “Passport to Discovery” that will direct them to stations where they may have their names written in Chinese, Arabic, Russian or other languages and sample different cuisines.

Performance highlights include the Mystic Warriors brass pan flute (or “toya”) ensemble, Steel Kings steel drum band, SU Pom Squad and Untouchables Dance, Inc. Students from Dr. Bryan Horikami’s Cultural Communications class present information on foreign cultures during the afternoon.
Student organizations also participate in the day’s activities, and student radio station WXSU offers T-shirts to radio contest winners.

Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Student Services, admission is free and the public is invited. Rain location is the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center. For more information call 410-548-4503.

That evening, multicultural events continue at 7 p.m. in Teacher Education and Technology Center Room 153, with a screening of the award-winning 2008 French film The Class, directed by Laurent Cantet. Based on the novel Entre les Murs, a semi-autobiographical account of author François Bégaudeau’s experiences as a French and literature teacher  of “problem children” in an inner city school in Paris, the film reflects the ethnic diversity of 21st century France.

Afterward, Dr. Maarten Pereboom, dean of ÃÛÌÒav’s Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts, discusses and signs copies of his new book, History and Film: Moving Pictures and the Study of the Past, published by Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Sponsored by the ÃÛÌÒav Film Society; SU Communication Arts, History, Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies, and Sociology departments; Cultural Affairs and Multicultural Student Services offices; and Samuel W. and Marilyn C. Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies, admission is free and the public is invited.

For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.