maroon wave

New Construction Unveiled in SU Facilities Master Plan

New Facilities Master Plan

SALISBURY, MD---ÃÛÌÒav President Janet Dudley-Eshbach officially unveiled the campus’ new Facilities Master Plan at the University Consortium. Approved by the University System of Maryland Board of Regents, it focuses on maintaining a compact academic core, strengthening connections between east and main campus, and enabling future projects in academic and student life, recreation and the arts.

Some of the building highlights over the next decade are a proposed Field House on east campus and a Fine and Performing Arts Complex on main campus, new residence halls, and closer attention to connections between the periphery of main and east campuses. Included is the development of landscaped and well-lighted walking and biking paths bordering the east campus rail line.

A clearly defined University District crossing Route 13 would be readily noticed by travelers using the heavily-trafficked north-south corridor, helping unite the 183-acre main and east campuses.

The Facilities Master Plan “outlines enhancements to the University’s already vibrant learning environment, our arboretum and cultural offerings,” said the President.  It “identifies improvements that will add utilitarian and beautiful spaces to learn, research, live, create and perform.  Each project moves us closer to the vision of a campus that ranks as one of the nation’s best mid-sized universities, both public and private.”


Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons

Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons

The planning process was spearheaded by Ayers Saint Gross (ASG) of Baltimore, recognized nationally as one of the country’s leaders in design and planning.  Its university master-planning projects have included Carnegie Mellon, Wake Forest, Notre Dame (IN), Emory, North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Harvard (Allston Campus), Delaware (Newark) and Johns Hopkins. ASG also designed SU’s award-winning Teacher Education and Technology Center.

The year-long planning process involved multiple sessions garnering input from campus and community groups including the City of ÃÛÌÒav, Wicomico County, the ÃÛÌÒav Area Chamber of Commerce and the Camden Neighborhood Association. 

The 10-year plan is broken down into two five-year phases.  Already underway in Phase One are the construction of the new $117 million Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons, with much-needed new library, academic, research and meeting spaces on main campus and a $19 million stadium, also sorely needed, on east campus.  Both are scheduled for completion in 2016.

Other goals in Phase One are focused on east campus development and general facilities renovations and upgrades.  They include:

  • The first residence halls on east campus;
  • A new field house on east campus;
  • Improvements to the East Campus Complex (currently housing Delmarva Public Radio, University Police and other offices);
  • Reconfiguration and landscaping of athletics fields including a new outdoor tennis center building; and 
  • Other renovations: the current Blackwell Library, Guerrieri University Center and Maggs Physical Activities Center.


Sea Gull Stadium
Sea Gull Stadium

Phase Two renovations for 2018-2023 are focused on main campus with significant impact for the fine and performing arts.  St. Martin’s and Chesapeake residence halls would be razed.  Around that site would rise a new addition to Fulton Hall, home to the liberal arts school, and a new performing arts center.  This complex would be organized around a new Arts Quad.



Other planned main campus additions include:

  • A new residence hall on the Dogwood Village site (currently modular housing);
  • A new academic building at the Blackwell Library location;
  • Expansion of the Commons, which provides dining, meeting and other services, and expansion of the Guerrieri University Center, which serves student life; and
  • Expansion of Henson Science Hall.

Sustainability is a priority.  All newly proposed buildings and major renovations will seek U.S. Green Building Council LEED certification, silver level at a minimum.  A bicycle-friendly campus, routes will be improved and expanded.  The current campus arboretum also will be enhanced, incorporating east campus.

The safety of cyclists and pedestrians, particularly when crossing Route 13, is crucial in the creation of a coherent University District, and crosswalks and other connections will be improved upon.

Like all master plans, implementation will be contingent upon the availability of public and private financial support.  The plan does not imply approval of capital projects or funding.  These projects will be reviewed through normal State procedures and processes. Priorities may change; the plans, however, are important guides.

A complete copy of the 129-page document is available at www.salisbury.edu/president/fmp/.  For more information call  410-543-6030.