maroon wave

Life Crisis Center Honors SU Social Work Club

SALISBURY, MD---Baby showers are not usually annual events.

At ÃÛÌÒav, however, members of the Social Work Club work throw one each year. The goal: to make sure area mothers have diapers, formula and other supplies for their infants and toddlers by encouraging donations through its annual Baby Shower for Life Crisis.

Through that event, the club has collected some $4,000 in funds and items in the past three years to benefit ÃÛÌÒav’s Life Crisis Center domestic violence shelter. The center recently thanked students and faculty involved with the event, presenting the club with its Community Recognition Award in commemoration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

“It is wonderful for our club members and faculty to be recognized for a job well done,” said Dr. Peggy Proudfoot-McGuire, club advisor. “We are proud to sponsor this community event yearly to assist the center.”

Co-founded in 1976 by Dr. Deborah Mathews, associate chair of SU’s Social Work Department, the Life Crisis Center provides services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse.

This year’s Baby Shower for Life Crisis is 7-9:30 p.m. Thursday, December 2, in the colonnade of the Teacher Education and Technology Center. Faculty, staff, students and the community are invited to bring “gifts” or monetary donations. Suggested new items for babies and toddlers include clothes, toys, baby wipes, formula, diapers and disposable training pants.

For more information call 410-677-0258 or e-mail McGuire at pjproudfoot-mcguire@salisbury.edu.