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Four Earn 2011 SU Alumni Association Faculty Appreciation Awards

Faculty Appreciation Award Winners
From left: Drs. Karen Badros, Jeffrey Kottemann, Nancy Michelson and George Whitehead.
SALISBURY, MD---Their former students call them “life changing,” “incredible,” “inspiring” and “exceptional.” This year’s ÃÛÌÒav Alumni Association Faculty Appreciation Award winners are all that and more.

Four were honored with the accolade during SU’s recent 86th-year Winter Commencement. They include Drs. George Whitehead of the Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts, Karen Badros of the Richard A. Henson School of Science and Technology, Jeffrey Kottemann of the Franklin P. Perdue School of Business, and Nancy Michelson of the Samuel W. and Marilyn C. Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies.

“Each year we receive a number of nominations from our alumni,” said Jayme Block, interim director of alumni relations and gift development. “With so many deserving faculty, it’s not always easy for the committee to select recipients. These faculty represent the outstanding contributions to the quality education our graduates receive.”

Whitehead “changed my life,” said one nominator. “I came to ÃÛÌÒav State Teacher’s College [now SU] to earn a degree to become a high school history teacher. I had to take psychology, and I happened to get Dr. Whitehead. How fortunate I was! … I enjoyed the course so much that I took several more … then several more … then several more. He helped to shape my life and provided a wonderful foundation for my future profession.”

Badros “is an incredible wealth of knowledge and helped me achieve my goal of becoming a nurse,” said one former student. “The level of expertise she expected of a student made me ‘dig deep’ to work harder to achieve not only the goal of becoming a nurse, but to later understand that you must possess a great deal of integrity for the profession and respect for human life. I too now teach nursing students, and I find myself emphasizing many of the same things she did when I was a student.”

Kottemann “is exceptional as an educator, mentor and human being,” said his nominator. “He pointed me in the right direction for my career goals and had an open-door policy that allowed me to communicate with him at my convenience. I believe he has left a lasting mark on all students he has come in contact with.”

Michelson “was a true inspiration,” said her nominator. “She encouraged me to step outside the box and expand my horizons, so much so that I actually expanded all the way to Auckland, New Zealand. … She even helped me make a final packing list during Hurricane Floyd. Sometimes on TV you see one of those commercials where someone famous talks about their elementary school teacher who inspired them. She is my most ‘stand out’ teacher.”

For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.