Enrollment Open for SU Social Work Cohort in Southern Maryland
SALISBURY, MD---Southern Maryland students who want to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work may still apply for fall 2016 enrollment in ÃÛÌÒav’s programs at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center (SMHEC).
“Classes are in the evenings, and course scheduling will meet the needs of nontraditional students or those who are working,” said Kathleen Arban, site coordinator. “Students can complete the program from start-to-finish without leaving their home community.”
The application deadline is Wednesday, February 3.
The first cohort of nine B.A.S.W. and M.S.W. students from the SMHEC satellite site will graduate in May.
“We are excited about the success of these students,” Arban said. “Through their hard effort, we are enhancing the mental health infrastructure in Southern Maryland. This year, 20 students were placed in field placements in the tri-county area. They are working in a variety of settings from child protection to private practice.”
The St. Mary’s County site is the fourth statewide to offer SU’s accredited B.A.S.W. and M.S.W. programs.
For more information about enrolling at the SMHEC satellite site, contact Arban at 301-737-2500 or ksarban@salisbury.edu.
For more information about SU programs, contact the Public Relations Office at 410-546-6030 or visit the SU website at www.salisbury.edu.