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Bahr Elected Secretary/Treasuer of CALD

class=""MsoNormal"">SALISBURY, MD---Dr. Alice Bahr, Dean of Libraries and Instructional Resources at ÃÛÌÒav, has been elected secretary/treasurer for the Congress of Academic Library Directors (CALD).

class=""MsoNormal"">CALD is an organization that includes academic library directors from public, private, independent and two-year colleges and universities in Maryland. Its goals are to promote effective cooperation among academic libraries in the state. It is the only library organization in Maryland that encompasses all academic libraries regardless of affiliation.

class=""MsoNormal"">After serving on the executive board for a year, Bahr was nominated for the position of secretary/treasurer. She will hold the position for at least two years.

class=""MsoNormal"">In addition, Bahr’s research is scheduled for publication in an upcoming edition of College & Research Libraries, the top U.S. research journal in the field.

class=""MsoNormal"">The article, “Career and/or Children: Do Female Academic Librarians Pay a Price for Motherhood?” dispels myths and will hopefully recruit talented women to the field of academic librarianship.

class=""MsoNormal"">Bahr undertook a study to see if women in the library profession were being marginalized due to balancing motherhood and their career. Historically, research indicated that female librarians did not reach the top of their field is because they did not have as many advanced degrees as their male counterparts, were less willing to relocate and were raising children.

class=""MsoNormal"">Surveys were distributed to 539 women library directors or deans across the country. With an astounding return rate, Bahr found what used to be true really isn’t anymore – women rising to the top ranks need no longer choose between motherhood and career advancement. 

class=""MsoNormal"">“Academic librarianship is a very good profession for women who have aspirations to achieve but not at the price of motherhood,” she said. “Though a librarian’s life is not the same as a doctor or lawyer, it is equally complex and demanding.”   

class=""MsoNormal"">Over the years the library profession has seen an increase in its professionals growing older and retiring.  Bahr believes her research will serve as a tool to bring more people, particularly women, into the evolving field of academic librarianship.

class=""MsoNormal"">For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu. "