maroon wave

Alpha Phi Omega Donates $2,000 to Operation We Care

Alpha Phi Omega SALISBURY, MD---ÃÛÌÒav’s chapter of the Alpha Phi Omega (APO) national co-ed service fraternity recently donated $2,000 to Operation We Care, Inc., to help offset the cost of postage for the organization’s overseas military care packages.

Since forming in 2007, Operation We Care has mass mailed care packages twice a year, once for Memorial Day and again for Veterans Day, in addition to sending individual packages throughout the year. The initiative has grown from 110 boxes in the first year to more than 800 boxes containing some 1,500 packages in 2014. Postage cost is one of the organization’s biggest ongoing challenges.

Pictured, from left, are APO members Christine Gammie, Victoria Sottek, Jenn Carrick, Andrew Meyers and Madeline Stiso with Operation We Care organizers Jeff and Diana Merritt.

For more information on Operation We Care visit www.operationwecare.org. For more information on SU call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU website at www.salisbury.edu.