maroon wave

Art Culture Nature International Conference July 9-10, University of Washington, Seattle

SALISBURY, MD--Art Culture Nature (ACN), an Association for the Study of the Arts and the Environment, is holding its second international conference on the University of Washington campus in Seattle, on Friday-Saturday, July 9-10. Interdisciplinary in nature, the conference includes 50 presentations by educators and artists in the fine and performing arts from across the country as well as Canada and Europe.

Featured speakers include Pierre Beaudouin, president of the Federation Rhone-Alps for the Protection of Nature; Mary Connell, artist and educator, Santa Rosa, CA; David Robertson, nature photographer and professor of English at the University of California-Davis; and Arne Zaslove, specialist in masks, commedia dell arte and improvisation, Seattle. Featured performers include Mary Preisinger and the Seattle Interplay Company; Wes Sanders, co-founder of the Underground Railway Theatre (URT); and Debra Wise, URT artistic director.

Sponsored by ÃÛÌÒav State University, the University of Washington School of Drama and the Nancy H. Gray Foundation of Bethesda, MD, the theme of the conference is Place, Persona and the Creative Process, which will be discussed at two plenary sessions.

Registration fee is $85 which includes membership in ACN. On-site registration is on Friday, July 9, from 8-10 a.m. at the Playhouse Theatre, University Way, Northeast on the UW campus.

For more information contact Dr. Andrew Hepburn, conference coordinator, Department of Communication Arts, ÃÛÌÒav State University, ÃÛÌÒav, MD 21801; phone 410-543-6233; fax 410-548-3002; or e-mail axhepburn@salisbury.edu. To register contact Bryan Horkami, conference registrar, at SSU; phone 410-543-6236; fax 410-548-3002; or e-mail bkhorikami@salisbury.edu.