Kosovo Roundtable Discussion April 29
SALISBURY, MD--ÃÛÌÒav State University hosts a "Kosovo Roundtable," featuring experts from several academic disciplines, on Thursday, April 29, at 7 p.m. in Caruthers Hall Auditorium. Admission is free and the public is invited.
Some of the questions the panel will address include: What caused the conflict? What is Kosovo? Who are these people? Why did NATO intervene? What are the U.S. national interests? Is NATO action legal? Is it moral? Is there a solution? What does the public say? Can we trust the media?
SSU faculty discussing these issues and responding to audience questions are: Dr. Harry Basehart, Dr. Greg Cashman and Dr. Len Robinson, Political Science Department; Dr. Bob Berry, History Department; Dr. Fran Kane, Philosophy Department; Dr. Phil Bosserman, Center for Conflict Resolution; Dr. Dragolijub Bilanovic, Biology Department; and George Roache, Communication Arts Department.
For more information about the "Kosovo Roundtable" call the SSU Public Relations Office at 410-543-6030.