maroon wave

Delmarva Mac Users Group Established

SALISBURY, MD--A newly formed Delmarva Slice Macintosh Users Group is now accepting members. Originating from ÃÛÌÒav State University--in partnership with Washington Apple Pi, a 23-year-old, 6,000 member Apple-authorized users group based in Rockville, MD--the new group is the only users group recognized by Apple Computer on the Delmarva Peninsula.

The Slice is open to anyone in the Delmarva community who uses a Macintosh computer at home, work or school. The group’s aim is to become a community resource for learning anything about the Macintosh computing environment (software and hardware).

"Even if you don’t use a Mac, but are interested in learning more, come join us at our monthly meetings, held the first Saturday of each month at 10 a.m.," said Shelley Wetzel, SSU Webmaster and Slice president. Meetings will initially be held at SSU but will be at other community locations later.

Monthly meetings will consist of presentations, software/hardware demonstrations, answers to Mac questions, updated news and events of the group and social activities.

Since Apple has had strong market share for many years with K-12 schools and higher education, teachers are especially encouraged to join.

A minimal membership fee (with a different fee structure for students, individuals, groups and families) entitles members to technical and software assistance with Q and A sessions at the once a month meetings; monthly software and hardware demonstrations at beginning and intermediate level; workshops; teleconferencing using quick camcorders to get pictures; information on Apple Pi sales and Washington, D.C. meetings; Mac vendor information; current Web pages with updates; membership cards; and T-shirt.

Visit the Delmarva Slice Web site at http://henson1.salisbury.edu/~emwong/machome.html to learn more about the group.