SU Libraries Mission, Values, and Plans
Libraries are at the heart of the academic enterprise, helping students, faculty, and staff find and use information and create and share knowledge.
The ÃÛÌÒav Libraries cultivate and sustain a superior learning community by providing user-centered services and information resources in an engaging environment dedicated to the free exchange of ideas and excellence in learning, teaching, scholarship, creativity, and service.
We are in the midst of a time of great change for libraries everywhere. Electronic collections are supplementing and often supplanting physical collections; users expect immediate, unmediated access to information; and librarians are finding new roles as partners in the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Even in the midst of this change, however, the core values that guide our work endure:
Intellectual Inquiry
This is the fundamental purpose and activity of a university. University libraries exist to support such inquiry.
We strive to provide all our users with fair and impartial access to our collections and services. See our Diversity & Inclusion page for more information about our equity initiatives.
The Libraries would not exist without our users. Serving our users in appropriate ways is one of our core purposes.
We believe every person deserves to be treated with respect.
We provide the training, collections, and services needed to empower our users to meet their information needs independently, equipping them for a lifetime of success.
Creative Adaptability
Information and people’s information needs change continuously. We must be creative and adaptable to continuously provide the best service possible.
Believing we are stronger and can accomplish more together than apart, we collaborate with others.