
av students on campus
Randall E. Cone

Randall E. Cone


  • Virginia Tech, PhD, Mathematics, 2010
  • Virginia Tech, MS, Computational Mathematics, 2005
  • av (State) University, BS, Computer Science, Computational Mathematics, 1998

Areas of Expertise

  • Digital Humanities/Graphic Design
  • Computer Science - Programming & Systems Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics

Short Biography

Establishing a positive, open, and creative culture in the classroom, in my office, and in the student clubs I advise, is fundamental to the role of being an effective educator. For, if that culture is stimulating, challenging, and nurturing, we have a better chance to learn together, with the hope of substantially affecting the lives of my students for the better. By encouraging them to embrace the world with careful reason, empathetic passion, and genuine civility, we lay the foundations for a student to develop a life-long appreciation of persistence, honor, and integrity.

These are lofty goals, yet are not hyperbole; by staying in touch with my students long after they graduate is a pleasure and an honor, either in helping them to cultivate healthy and meaningful careers, or to pack off to evermore significant challenges in graduate school. Throughout all such activities, I have worked hard to foster a deep student realization: teaching content is important, but changing lives through positive and genuine challenge is more important. Perhaps it is for this reason that I derive a profound and substantial joy in speaking and working with students, whether in the classroom, on a research project, or in an outreach event.