ࡱ> PRO@ 0!bjbjFF (<,,L$   8D<,$*y*{*{*{*{*{*{*$,R.*___**_y*_y*i(* Pl u(y**0* )//(*$$/*\ **$$ ( i$$( Dual Employment Policy - Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees In an effort to meet documented critical need, a current SU employee may serve the University in a capacity additional to his or her primary duty. An employee who is appointed at 100% time will not receive additional compensation for any work which is related to the employee's appointment. Supervisory approval by the primary supervisor and vice-president will be required in all instances. Part-time employees are eligible for multiple contracts however the contracts cannot exceed 100% FTE, When such need arises, the following guidelines will apply: Exempt Employees Steps: Determine the need for a separate employment contract vs. occasional, additional duties within primary job. (See examples below). Prior to dual employment, affected parties will complete the Dual Employment Certification form, obtain appropriate signatures, and return the completed form to HRO. No employee may begin dual employment until the request for dual employment from has been approved by the HRO. Once approved, the hiring department will prepare the contingent employment contract and forward to the HRO for processing. The employee in conjunction with both managers will maintain positive time records to document duty days for primary and secondary duties. Non-Exempt Employees Steps: Determine the need for a separate employment contract vs. occasional, additional duties within primary job. (See examples below). Prior to dual employment, affected parties will complete the Dual Employment Certification form, obtain appropriate signatures, and return the completed form to HRO. No employee may begin dual employment until the request for dual employment form has been approved by the HRO. Once approved, the hiring department will prepare the contingent employment contract and forward to the HRO for processing. The employee in conjunction with both managers will maintain positive time records to document hours worked in the primary and secondary position. A non-exempt employee cannot be considered exempt for the secondary position and therefore should not be paid a flat fee. The appropriate hourly rate should be calculated and overtime applied if appropriate. If the secondary contract causes the employee to be in an overtime status, (more than 40 hours worked for SU per week), the hiring manager of the secondary contract will work with HRO to determine the appropriate overtime rate of pay, per Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guidelines. Overtime will be charged to the secondary department. Should unanticipated overtime occur, payroll will notify the secondary department so that appropriate steps may be taken to avoid such a scenario in the future. Employees will not be compensated for secondary duties which coincide with hours submitted from the primary department. NOTE: If a secondary department has questions as to the FLSA status of a dual position, they should contact Human Resources PRIOR to discussing the position with the prospective employee. Consideration of Additional Duties as Dual Employment EXEMPT EMPLOYEE: Volunteer efforts i.e. Community service or service to student organizations. Not considered dual employment. One-time event/activity, unrelated to primary duties i.e. hosting on campus meeting/guests during visit. Determine if duties can be considered occasional, additional task within primary role or volunteer service. If so, no dual contract. If event/activity on day other than day worked as part of primary role, If so, no dual contract. If days/hours of secondary duties overlap those of primary job, manager may adjust primary work schedule in conjunction with employee so that 40 hours minimum is met. If so, no dual contract Ongoing event/activity, unrelated to primary duties i.e. teaching a course. If additional work is unrelated to primary job and is conducting during days/times other than when the primary job is performed, dual contract should be used. If days/hours of secondary duties overlap those of primary job, manager may adjust primary work schedule in conjunction with employee so that 40 hours minimum is met. Determine if duties are considered part of grant effort (in which case grant contract may apply). NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEE: Volunteer efforts i.e. Community service or service to student organizations. Not considered dual employment. One-time event/activity, unrelated to primary duties i.e. hosting on campus meeting/guests during visit Determine if duties can be considered occasional or sporadic, additional task within primary role or volunteer service for which schedule adjustments in primary role can be made temporarily. If so, no dual contract. If event/activity is on day other than day worked as part of primary role and total number of hours does not exceed 40 per week, consider use of Compensatory Time, for which option of time or pay must be offered. If so, no dual contract. If event/activity results in more than 40 hours total time worked per week, the overtime rate applies. Ongoing event/activity, unrelated to primary duties i.e. teaching a course. If additional work is similar in nature to that performed in primary job, and cannot be considered part of primary job for which schedule adjustment may be made, overtime pay vs. dual contract should be used. (i.e., Administrative Assistant providing admin support for area other than primary job) If additional work is unrelated to primary job and is conducted during days/times other than when the primary job is performed, dual contract should be used. Additional work should not be done during days/hours primary job is performed without both managers approval. If approved, primary manager may adjust the primary work schedule so 40 hours are completed. Determine if duties are considered part of grant effort (in which case grant contract may apply). If event/activity results in more than 40 hours total time worked per week, the overtime rate applies. ** Special provisions may be applicable to those non-exempt employees covered by collective bargaining. Please reference the MOU or contact the HRO before completing and submitting a dual employment request form and contract. For questions regarding the Dual Employment Policy please contact the Human Resources Office at ext. 36035. 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