CNP Online Exam: Requirement: Pass the CNP Exam
100 short-answer questions; 76% is passing
To prepare for the exam you may take one of the eligible courses (PACE 250, IDIS 350, or COMM 409) offered in the Fulton School at ÃÛÌÒav and/or study the CNP Study Guide. You are encouraged to take other courses useful for the nonprofit sector such as marketing, professional writing, and others, and to participate in virtual or in person webinars and workshops offered by other schools as well.
How to Prepare for the CNP Exam
- Take Nonprofit Coursework
Have you taken any nonprofit focused college courses? If you haven’t, plan to take one. (Reminder: you have 3 years from your enrollment date to complete the requirements and earn your CNP). How do you know if your campus has a nonprofit course available next semester? You can go to the SU online course catalog and search “nonprofit.” If you find a course, you can build it into your schedule. You may also talk with your advisor in your major about whether a nonprofit course could count as an elective.
And don’t forget, many topics are relevant to nonprofit management. If you have taken any of the following courses, think about how the content applies to nonprofit organizations:
- Leadership
- Management
- Human Resources
- Budgeting
- Financial Management
- Accounting
- Ethics
- Marketing or Communications
- Cultural Competency and Diversity
HELPFUL HINT: When taking a course, be sure to ask yourself, how does this content relate to nonprofit organizations? If you have an opportunity to select a leader or an organization for a project, go with a nonprofit focus. (These assignments can help you learn more about organizations where you might want to work.)
- Review the CNP Study Guide
Once you are enrolled in CNP Central, you will have access to the CNP Study Guide. This e-guide is designed to take 2-3 hours per week for 12 weeks. However, it is completely self-paced, so feel free to review the materials on a schedule that works for you. The CNP Study Guide is organized into six modules with four lessons each.
- Participate in Webinars and Workshops
We encourage you to participate in as many nonprofit-focused trainings, webinars and workshops as you can fit into your schedule. The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance offers free and discounted webinars and e-courses. The CNP Central Announcements will keep you informed.
Eligibility: You may take the CNP Exam at any point after being enrolled in CNP Central. Join a study group to prepare for the exam. You can also access the CNP Study Groups through CNP Central.