Application Process
Application to the BASW Program will be open from September 11 to October 16, 2024 .
BASW Information Sessions will be held on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 12:30pm in Conway Hall and on Zoom and again on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 4:30pm on Zoom. Students should plan to attend ONE of these sessions.
If you are eligible, a link to apply will be found in Gullnet on the left-hand side of the menu. Eligibility to apply does not guarantee acceptance into the program. (THE LINK TO APPLY WILL ONLY BE ACTIVE DURING THE APPLICATION PERIOD.)
BASW Application Process Presentation (PDF)
General Requirements
- Approximately 60 credit hours of undergraduate education completed (Junior status)
- Overall GPA of 2.5
- Social Work GPA of 2.7
- Complete by the end of the semester in which applying:
- MATH155 Modern Statistics with Computer Analysis OR PSYC220 Psychological Statistics OR PHIL103 Critical Thinking
- PSYC101 General Psychology
- ONE of the following: ANTH100, CADR200, ECON150, POSC110, POSC202, SOCI101, SOCI201 or a social issues or social configurations course
Please read information on Personal Statements below prior to completing the Application.
Personal Statements
The Application to the BASW Program includes required personal statements that must be written by each applicant. Prior to completing your online application, please prepare one detailed statement covering the questions below. Do not omit any questions.
Your personal statement should be a minimum of two (2) pages, not more than three (3) pages, typed, double-spaced, and in 12-point font. Please use the number and its associated topic area (in bold and underline) as headings when completing your personal statement. File attachments must be in a .doc or .docx format).
Students will put their SU ID (this number can be found in GullNet under the student center tab), but not their name on this document. Students must save their document with their ID number as the title. (i.e. 123456 BASW essay).
Prompts to address in your essay:
1. Social Work Knowledge:
Based on what you now know about social work practice, discuss how social work connects to your current and long-term professional goals. Be sure to reflect on any previous social service experiences you may have had (e.g., volunteer work, paid human services work, etc.) and how that has impacted your decision to pursue social work.
2. Respect for Diversity:
Identify the experiences you have had which enable you to work effectively with people from diverse populations (religious, racial, ethnic, disability, socio-economic, gender, and sexual orientation differences). Identify at least one experience you have had in which your own beliefs or attitudes may or may not have aligned with the social work values and principles espoused in the NASW Code of Ethics. Explain what you did to promote personal growth in this instance, and how it has contributed to your ability to work effectively with people from diverse populations.
Limits of confidentiality for personal statements: Mandated reporters are persons who, in the course of their work, may be privy to information that they are required to report to the appropriate enforcement agency. Social workers in the state of Maryland are mandated reporters and must report any disclosure of suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect, including child sexual abuse. * ÃÛÌÒav social work faculty and staff are required to report any suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect, whether the suspected incident was previously reported. Therefore, any disclosure (written or verbal) by students or prospective students of suspected incidents of child abuse and/or neglect will be immediately reported to the appropriate authorities.
You will need to prepare these statements in advance using Microsoft Word, as you will be required to upload them as a .doc or .docx file attachment.
For UMES dual degree or Regional location students, see additional information below.
For Dual Degree Students
n addition to satisfying the General Requirements for applying to the major, you must also apply to the University and be accepted into ÃÛÌÒav (application fee is waived).
Submit transcripts for all college credits taken to the Admissions Office at ÃÛÌÒav.
Send a copy of ÃÛÌÒav admission letter to the Social Work Department.
For Transfer & Regional Location Students
In addition to satisfying the General Requirements for applying to the major, you must also apply to SU and be accepted into ÃÛÌÒav.
Submit transcripts for all college credits taken to the Admissions Office at ÃÛÌÒav.
When you complete your AA degree, those transcripts need to be submitted as well.
Printable information on the BASW Satellite Program.
Contact Information
For more information, please contact the School of Social Work at 410-543-6305 or email