Supervisor Tools
Professional responsibilities for ÃÛÌÒav teacher education candidates for courses and clinical practice (Foundations, Methods or Internship) is governed by the Seidel School of Education Professional Dispositions Policy. Please click on the links below to review how the Seidel School of Education reviews a candidate during their coursework or while placed in clinical practice.
SU Candidate Professional Dispositions Policy & Expectations:
This evaluation allows you to notify ÃÛÌÒav of any professional concerns you have with a teacher education candidate that is completing clinical practice in your school or agency (Foundations, Methods or Internship level). Please click on the link below to send ÃÛÌÒav your concerns about this candidate.
Intern Handbooks
Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, and P-12 Intern Evaluations
Log on to to complete all Intern II Evaluations. If you have any difficulty logging in contact Paul Gasior by e-mail or by calling 410-543-6277.
Other Supervisor Evaluations & Tools
(Complete at the end of the intern experience) - Observation Tool - Checklist/Narrative
- Observation Tool - Narrative