ÃÛÌÒav students on campus

Faculty Stipends for Entrepreneurship-related Experiential Learning Curriculum Development

Entrepreneurship Programs at the Perdue School of Business encourages ÃÛÌÒav faculty to develop engaging experiential learning activities across all disciplines to teach design thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurship; partner with area small businesses, particularly in ÃÛÌÒav’s downtown district; or that support area economic development in a creative and meaningful way. Stipends are available on a competitive basis to support faculty in this endeavor. Funding is prioritized for pilot tests of new and innovative pedagogy that involves a connection to a business competition, engagement with the Rommel Center for Entrepreneurship, services provided by students to area entrepreneurs, or a link to another Entrepreneurship Programs initiative. Applications are accepted at any time and evaluated monthly. Awards are made until funding is depleted each fiscal year. Faculty are encouraged to work with Entrepreneurship Programs staff members prior to submission to develop their concepts.

If you have questions, please contact Michael Jensen, Executive Director of Entrepreneurship: mdjensen@salisbury.edu